classes Taught

University of Maryland-College Park
- Introduction to International Relations (TA-Fall 2010)
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Political Science (TA-Fall 2012)
- Advanced Quantitative Methods for Political Science (TA-Spring 2013)
- Quantitative Fundamentals for Social Science (TA-Summer 2012, 2013)

University of the Humanities-Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Advanced English (AY 2007-8)
- Intermediate English (AY 2007-8)
- American History (AY 2007-8)
- American Literature (AY 2007-8)
stata Tutorials
In Spring 2013, I created some Stata tutorials on a variety of data management techniques and applications in order to help students learn outside of the lab and lecture sessions in the graduate methods sequence. A sample of them can be found below.
Linear Regression
data management